
A Passion For Closing The Skills Gap

+ A Vision For Expanding The Candidate Pool

Manufacturing firms frequently face a significant skills gap, making them difficult to source strong talent for technical roles. Meanwhile, a large group of skilled yet older labor on staff may be retiring soon. Both of which can potentially push larger, firm-wide goals further down the calendar.

Fortunately, there is hope for closing that skills gap that ISG can point to.

How ISG Responds To Manufacturing Industry Hiring Challenges:

  • Connecting With and Nurturing Passive Candidates
    The candidate pool can shrink significantly when sourcing manufacturing jobs is confined to only those actively seeking employment. By tapping into databases of diverse engineering candidates that may have had an interest in a previous position, ISG’s deep bench of veteran recruiters can leverage their network to speak to a set of individuals who may already have familiarity with leading edge technologies in equipment manufacturing, engineering and machinery. What’s more, based on prior interactions, they may very well retain a positive feeling about a company’s value proposition, culture, technological outlook, management team and more. Timing is everything. What was not a fit then could be a great fit now.

  • Improving Quality of Hire Through Screening and Scoring
    Even if manufacturing hiring managers can identify the ideal type of candidate they want, there’s a lot more work to be done than that. When the hiring process gets bogged down unnecessarily too soon, candidates can lose interest or find another opportunity, contributing to the talent shortage that plagues manufacturing on the technology side. ISG alleviates that pain by managing the entire recruitment process, staying top-of-mind with each candidate and solidly moving the best of them through qualifying stages.

  • Highlighting Future Career Growth Versus Present Job Fit
    Part of the issue with candidates prematurely turning away from manufacturing technology jobs or hiring managers in manufacturing turning those candidates away is a focus exclusively on the job in front of them right here and now. Not a fit? The conversation stops. But it doesn’t have to and, in many cases, probably shouldn’t.

    ISG fully understands the importance of placing the ideal fit for an open job and brings the larger perspective of what the client wants to achieve over the next number of years. We transfer this knowledge directly into the recruitment process, communicating the impact candidates can have on the organization today and down the road. This can pay terrific dividends for the manufacturer’s placement and retention alike.


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